What Is Your Body Telling You? - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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What Is Your Body Telling You?

June 19, 2012

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Have you found Pinterest yet?  I could spend hours on there!  It’s the most beautiful magazine in the world.  I am such a visual person – it really works for me.  Be warned, you could fall for it – I did!

I found this great ‘pin’ and wanted to share with you.  As part of my business I get my clients to reconnect with their bodies; be it through WLFTHD or a one to one session I ask clients to get into ‘present time’ by focusing on what they are feeling in their body – the sensation rather than what the ‘mind’ is telling them.

So when I clicked on this photo I loved it.  It connects you with each emotional point in your body.  Now I want to add a caveat to this.  It is a ‘guide’.  It is not a truth.  I am sharing it to get you curious about your body and what you can connect with.  Just to add a different view on what your body is telling you. Perhaps yelling at you.  Take notice of where you find aches, pains, tension.

My goal is, as always, to get you curious about you, your body and your life.  See what you think!

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