One Knit and One Blog Later... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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One Knit and One Blog Later…

February 7, 2012

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As I have mentioned earlier this week I have agreed to ‘blog better’ with a group of inspirational bloggers – some are very experienced and others just starting out facilitated by two great coaches Marion Ryan and Judith Morgan.

Week One
For all of us it has been a challenging week just keeping abreast of the blogs and emails, let alone the day job.  Before I agreed to sign up to this (not really knowing the full extent of how much time it would take) I would have sworn to be ‘busy’ ‘not enough time to do everything’.  My three days of being ‘coach’ were full and I would not have taken on any more work.  Then this happened.  It is full on.

Say YES!
As part of my new year policy to start saying yes to things that I would normally look and think ‘oooh that would be good’ and not ‘click here’ on – I replied  – quickly, before I could start to ‘think’.

Two balls that made me smile!

Then I agreed to go to a monthly ‘Knitorama’.  Hmmm… I agreed to this on a whim when a friend asked me (midst creative fumblings with my little men at a playgroup) to try knitting, when I mentioned that I wanted to ‘do’ something creative this year.  So this morning I started my cushion cover.  After the initial argghhh I can’t do it, going on in my head I learnt to relax and chill out (over a ball of wall – who would have guessed!)  – with the words of my teacher saying relax – there is no point in doing it if its not fun…  it also reminded me of my nan, teaching me by paraffin lamp when we stayed with her in her caravan when little.  I honestly felt her watching me with a smile.

To busy to think!
So this has given me a refresh in my way of thinking.   My mind is occupied (blogs can do that to you!) and I am being creative (knit one… snap one) and as a result I am being more productive with all the other ‘stuff’.  No time really does make you efficient!

What have you said no to this year?  Something you could have said yes to and it may just change your life.  Small things can do that to…

9 thoughts on “One Knit and One Blog Later…”

  1. Us high achievers can get a lot done though can’t we Kerry, and still have time to play? 2012 sees me doing Morning Pages, a happiness journal, blogging, daily gratitudes, meditating, a 40-day Abundance programme and using my heart-math machine to measure my biorhythms! Fortunately all of these amount to a spiritual practice for me. Loving all of it and working with you Better Bloggers too. Am glad you are becoming addicted to pressing that publishing button. Moi aussi

  2. Glad to hear you’re being extra productive, Kerry, and you’ll soon have a new cushion cover to prove it! It may just be knit one, purl one for now but you’ll soon be cabling with the best of ’em. Well done for trying something new and have to say how much I love the photos on your site. It’s so refreshing to see something new on every visit. Thanks, I always enjoy stopping by. Janet

  3. Your writing is already very creative and I look forward to reading future posts as the cushion cover progresses! Another bonus of being busy investigating/doing stuff you love is that other people respond to the energy that it sparks. It sounds like you’re having great fun – Jan x

    1. I am Jan. So much fun. I am in disbelief that we are all managing to do so much and have found so a fabulous group of people! I knew February was going to be a change but who would have known it was going to be like this!

  4. I love that, saying “Yes” before getting caught up in over-thinking, it’s such a great way to approach life. I also now have a piture in my head of you knitting away with your Nan watching over you – how lovely is that? Thanks Kerry x

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