Feel it in Your Bones! - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Feel it in Your Bones!

October 31, 2011

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Who are you?


That was the question I sought to answer.  I studied.  I searched many,  many things… when I found them enabled me to see that that wasn’t what I really wanted in the first place…

So, I carried on doing what I did and got what I had always got – not much else I could do…

Until I got to that space of deep honesty and somewhat desperation within myself – a space where you can accept responsibility to all that has been in your life and acknowledge your part in its creativity.

It was only then that I had this could I see that if I wanted what I had always said I wanted I had to start to be me.  Me doing what I wanted – not what others wanted, liked, preferred – that was them being me doing what I do – I had to be me.

Not Easy
It hasnt been easy – in fact it has been and continues to be the toughest time of my life.  Truly.

It would be so much easier to stick with the career that I’d known, and to keep within the status quo but that isn’t why I am here.  My ‘Raison d’etre’ is bigger than just living and breathing – I am bigger than that.

I’m here to be be me – full throttle.  Why would I try to be a toned down version – who could that possibly be serve?

I am a coach.

It uses all of me and gets responses from people that change their lives for the better.

I now see that is has to be that way.  There really is no option if I choose to live my life.

So the real journey begins.  Good job I love what I do!  There really is nothing better.

My Clients
I want that for my clients.  That is what we search for  – to connect with you.  To clearly feel what you want.  To get you clear on where you are going.  It is an awesome ride, but you have me with you all the way and believe me I love what I do – you’ll feel it to your bones!

Have a  great week!

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