When you f**k off your perfection and JFDI! - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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When you f**k off your perfection and JFDI!

January 24, 2018

Takes of Ordinary Magic

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Comments: 1 Comment


Guess what I did?  My man and I set up our own ‘show’!  It is rough around the edges, but it is real.  We are going to do this a lot more and we will get better but so far… I love it!

It is authentic.  It is human and it is us.   Watch and see what you think.  I would love your comments on our facebook page.  Come over to our new page and check it out!



1 thought on “When you f**k off your perfection and JFDI!”

  1. That’s so true – I’m always over thinking things and thinking to far in advance that I often get to scared to take the first steps because of all the what ifs ??

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