How I support you... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

How I support busy minds to become calm...

Each and every one of us deserves to be happy. Your time on this planet is all about making the most of who you are. When you lose the connection, it will show up.

You may be even overachieving in many areas of your life and wonder why success isn't feeling how you imagined.

You might even feel demotivated, undervalued, lacking in confidence. These feelings may have built up over a period of time, potentially going unnoticed, but the energy and effort required to mask them take their toll.

Where do you even start to look for the catalyst that can change all of this?

My role is to hold a space of insane curiosity - to look at your life differently. To seek solutions that uncover that your soul underneath - that deeper connection to who you are and what you are here to do and be.

Could it be that simple?

I may need my internal 'warrior' to go where you need to go or just someone to laugh with you at how you serious your life has become; a life you no longer love.

In every conversation I have, the goal is for you to become reacquainted in who you really are and not what you ‘think’ you are.

To be fully and authentically you.

Conversations with me are intense and uncomfortable. But worth it.

Six month journey of transformation
Investment £4,000

Do you crave someone to just 'get you'?  For someone to look into your life and see inside with new eyes, to see what's really going on? To feel 'renewed'? A sense of making it 'work'?

My job is to get into your head, to ask the questions you may have been avoiding for years.  To really get under your skin.  We start with a two hour intensive.  To empty your can of worms.  To really spill it all - and look at the wonder of your life as it is.  And then we can really get to work.

By taking a good look around,  to appreciate what you LOVE about your life.  Clear away what isn't working for you, so you can get the clarity you need.  Then we can connect you with all the things that make your life work - for you.  What really is a magnificent life... for you?  What if, really, anything WERE possible and to find a way, your way, that you can start to create just that.

The last piece of our puzzle is to reallocate habits.  Every month we work to course correct or reframe old ones to make them work for you - to re-establish the confidence in you. That you know who you are, what is important and what isn't.  So you can continue to create more magic and enjoy your life NOW.

If you are a powerful soul who wants someone to sit with you. To open a space of trust and truth, so you can find the life you want.  It is possible.  I know that.  Are you ready for that journey?


  • Six months exclusive support with Kerry
  • Includes:
    • Pre-work
    • Two hour onboarding session
    • Hour session two weekly
  • Private whatsapp support between sessions
  • All sessions coached via Zoom

Declutter Your Busy Head
VIP Day with Kerry
Investment £900

This deep-dive session is an intense workout through your life.  It is an intervention intention.

A conversation you will ever forget, as it designed to open your 'Pandora's box' - to see what is stopping you from living the life you came here to live.

We will look at your life differently, with a new found curiosity.  One that not only shifts old habits, but frees you from the  old stories holding you captive - those that stop you fulfilling life, as you want.

Pre-work will be sent, to bring forward any old patterns and habits you are unconscious of.  On the call we work through four areas of life; Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Surroundings, Money and Relationships.  A full work up of what is important to you.

These sessions are designed to go quickly to the root of what is holding you back and creating overwhelm.  They clear out what isn't working, connect you with what is.  The result is a renewed sense of who you are and what you now know you need to focus on now.

The results are magical.  These sessions are for those who want to look at change head on.  To be held a space of truth for you.  To give you the room to talk about what is really going on in your life and we will find a way through.

This session is all about solutions and finding our way there.

If you like results and you are an action taker - these sessions are for you.  To live an intentional life needs an intervention and this is THAT conversation.

If you are unsure if you need this or the six month programme - book this and then we can see if you need a longer term focus and accountability.  All of my programmes start here.

Included in your package:

  • 2 hour session via zoom
  • Pre work, to set up the session
  • 90 Day intention setting

Don't know what you need?

Then we have the solution for that too.  Book a 20 minute call and to chat with me, and we will find what option is best for you and the results you want to create.