5 things to do each day to simplify your life... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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5 things to do each day to simplify your life…

March 27, 2012

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Comments: 3 Comments


OK lets get to it!

1.  Do not check your email first thing.
It starts your day off in ‘reaction’ mode and it is very difficult to start over again.  Lets start as we mean to go on. Decide to turn it on after an hour of planning what you want to create!

2.  Write out your list for today.
Make this a shortened version of what your big ‘To Do’ list.  Make sure it is varied; some easy wins are essential – break down big To Do’s with some really short snappy ones.  Make life a little easier.  Once you are in momentum it will be far easier to tackle a big one.

3.  Take time away from this screen.
Yes this screen… this one!  Take 5 minutes each hour – set your alarm if you need to.  Refocus for a minute – check in and see if you are off on a tangent or creating with focus?

4.  Set a stop time half an hour before you need to.
Finish half an hour before you need to.  Write down what you did and didnt do and set up what you can start with tomorrow.  Make it an easy start, so you want to get to it first thing.  Unless you like a hard task first thing in the morning?  Then of course you can start there!

5.  Add something to someone else’s life.
Do something each day that will enhance someone’s life.  Be it a little email, text… something small but significant will make your day feel so much better.

See how you get on and I really would like to hear from you ALL this month.  It will make my day and you can tick it off your simple life list 🙂

Enjoy the sunshine,

Kerry, Your Coach

3 thoughts on “5 things to do each day to simplify your life…”

  1. Like those … Any ideas to make life simpler are most welcome. We do have a tendency to over-complicate. Yes easy and simple has to be the way forward. Good one Kel x

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