Following your dream ... involves taking some knocks along the way... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Following your dream … involves taking some knocks along the way…

November 28, 2011

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My goal is reach as many people as I can to assist them in living a full life – one that utilises all of them and gets them happy.

To do this I need to expand my profile.  How would you start this?  I figured I would contact all the people I know and ask them to support my adventure.  Just by adding them to my list of people – they may know someone who needs your service – and that is how I figured it would be an easy thing for people to do – nothing much to ask for a friend who wants to live their dream… well this is where I got it wrong…

It is my nature to assist anyone who would contact me.  Yes my naivety does get me in trouble at times, but it is who I am and I love to assist others with solutions – it is essentially why I am good at being a coach – one of the reasons…

I guess it is this reason that when I received an email from a ‘friend of a friend’ telling me in no uncertain terms that they were not interested in my ‘musings, tree hugging tales… ‘ I was so shocked that it rocked my world.

And then I remembered…

The closer you get to your dream, it will hilight to others how far away theirs is.

For a few days I took it very personally and was shocked to receive something to malicious but realised that I needed to share it with you.  My lesson.

Who takes out your ‘lights’ out and knocks back your dream?

Get dreaming and get your goal as clear as you can – because the closer you get…the stronger you will need to be to hold on to it – because people will try to take it away!

Have a great week,

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