March Ran Away with Me... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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March Ran Away with Me…

April 16, 2012

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Firstly can I apologise, I promised ten posts and managed:

  1. March Hare – are you racing around?
  2. Snails Pace – Slow is sooooo good!
  3. Simple = magnificence
  4. 5 things to do each day to simplify your life…
  5. What if you only had a week to live – would you still keep your ‘To Do’ list?
  6. Commit to challenging yourself daily – do I need to do this?
  7. If you want more – you need less.
  8. Five things that set you apart from everyone else
  9. How many sunsets have you seen this year?
  10. Never give up searching for you!

I guess that tells you that No. 5’s To Do list went out of the window for me mid March…

So I am going to commit to getting you all 5 blogs our this week!  Yup one a day for the whole week!  Get ready!

I do like a challenge!

What could you challenge yourself to do this week…  come with me…

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