Commit To Challenging Yourself Daily – Do I Need To Do This? - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Commit To Challenging Yourself Daily – Do I Need To Do This?

April 19, 2012

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Yes you do need to do this.  I am not suggesting you sign up for the three peaks challenge (unless this is of course something you really want to do…) what I am suggesting though is this:

If you want to keep the life you have now – you won’t – it WILL change.

If you want to change the life you have now – you will – it WILL change.

Do you see where I am going with this.  Your life will change.  It will and it does.  Each day IS different.  Each day does bring something new.  Now comes  your ‘conscious’ bit.

If you want to change your life, just search for one tiny way you can do that each day.  I mean tiny.  Why am I, as your coach, suggesting small steps?  No, I’ve not left the planet…  well perhaps I do at times.

The reason is that by changing one thing, you have no idea what impact that can and WILL have on your life.  It could be tenfold, twentyfold or just amazingfold…

We cannot plan what the future holds for us, but we can aim it in the right direction.

Aim HIGH, start small.

Have a great day,

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