Never Give Up Searching For You! - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Never Give Up Searching For You!

April 18, 2012

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When is it that you decide that you are on the right path and you are good to coast on in from here?

What would be the signs that tell you that?  Money?  This is perhaps the most universal sign that people use to signify to themselves that they are doing ‘OK’ and to keep going.

My question today is what would be What are you looking for that would tell you ‘we are doing alright’ or perhaps ‘were really rocking!’

I want to put it out there that the road goes on.  You don’t just coast when you get to a certain goal – it continues – you never get to the ‘end’ point – until you physically do of course.

So if thats’ the case, what course do you want to be on  – where do YOU want to go.  Is your journey all about having your own book but you market for other people?  Is it all about wanting to help others but you spend your days looking at a computer screen?  Do you want to be credited for being creative but are still too scared to show just one person your work?

Take a look at my little man in the photo.  How innocent he looks.  The reason for the photo is for you to recognise the innocent you that is still in there.  The innocent you that wants something.  The innocent you that can achieve anything they want – all they have to do is…  what?  What do YOU want to do?

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