Are You Hoping Your Life Will Change? - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Are You Hoping Your Life Will Change?

June 26, 2012

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My coaching session today reminded me that even the brightest of us still need a reminder to be intentional about what you want to create with our lives.

I shall explain some more.  We all get into poor habits that do not support what we want, in fact they really support what we do not want…

Today I want you to become more aware of when you use buffer words, I may, I shall, I could, I guess, perhaps, I dont know…  they are all bad habits that we have accumulated through no fault of our own (perhaps) and we use them in our daily rants.

What is your ‘buffer’ of choice?

All I want you do is to become more aware of what yours is.  Becoming aware is all you need to do for change to occur.

Noticing fixes more than fixing my mentor once told me.

Where does hope come in?  Well if you are using a buffer word it is likely that you are not being intentional about what you want.  You are softening your communication to be a little more bearable for the recipient.  Stop it.  Be clear and go and get what you want.

Tell me how you get on.  I really do want to know.

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