Welcome to the Kerry Hales blog
Hello, I get asked to talk more about the mastermind days I do. How is the year going? Yesterday was Blue Monday… and this is when the reality of changing patterns can come down to earth. This is when we feel we can’t do it. We can’t change it. It will always be the same. Well […]
Read MoreNow. Go and be you. Shine you fucking arse off will you. Because you have a space in this mad, mad world and I promise you are brilliant just the way you.
Read MoreHello, I have just launched a new product which means I have been all over social media sharing with all of my heart. How often do you do that? Share with ALL of your heart? I mean this with everything I have. One of the joys about being your own employer is that you get to […]
Read MoreHello. There are times when we need a to just stop and look at what we are doing. Of course I do this when I am coaching. I am the STOP THAT SH*T will you girl. It works. At times and others… not so much… but it is worth it. I call it being brutally […]
Read MoreHello, I wanted to talk about this more. Why get a coach when there are so many ways you can find what you are looking for for free, watch a video, download a PDF, sign up for a free class… When I spoke to a client earlier this week about what a coach does, I […]
Read MoreHello! Where has this year gone? I cannot believe I am in the midst of August with the summer in full flow… I hope yours is going well – and for those of you who live on the other side… the winter is going well too! The summer is all about camping and getting up […]
Read MoreHello. I made a nest. I feel quite maternal about this. A bit like how I imagine mothers make bedding or knitted garments for their children. It felt great to do it and has made me think how much I like to create something out of scraps of things. I really like this. The creative […]
Read MoreHello. This has become a very real thing for me. And as I am learning I realise the connection to self love is very attached to how you were mothered. Or not. My mother’s mother – my maternal grandmother suffered from post natal depression, and was ‘treated’ for years for until she could bear it […]
Read MoreHello. I am in a Blogfest! I know it sounds exciting doesn’ it! I do love a blog, but I really love a group of inspired women and I feel very privileged to say that Judith was the business coach who gave me some brilliant blog knowhow many years ago in a blogging challenge! In […]
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