Hello World! - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Hello World!

October 18, 2011

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At last I am me.

At last I can say that and be myself.

At last I can shout as loud as I want and care less if people like me or not.

At last I am clear on how I can share my gift to the world.

At last I have finally shifted the three stone I gained having my beautiful boys.

At last I have learnt to love the results and the process of running – it works!

At last I have a growing team that supports me in what I do and want.

At last I am up as Kerry Hales and I am so excited about sharing my gift with you – it my gift.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and I look forward to sharing me with you.  It is my intention that I will serve you in a way that aligns you with who you are and what you want from this life – it is a gorgeous life we have after all.

Love  to you all,

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