Master your mind for a day... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Master your mind for a day…

January 23, 2019

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I get asked to talk more about the mastermind days I do.  How is the year going?  Yesterday was Blue Monday… and this is when the reality of changing patterns can come down to earth. This is when we feel we can’t do it. We can’t change it. It will always be the same. Well I am here to tell you… NOT ON MY WATCH.

My coaching is all about curiosity and how you can see differently into a place where you normally see hurdles, problems, issues, agreements… argh! The mastermind days are all about getting a clear picture of what you want in life. Often times we focus on things that we ‘think’ will make our business grow – even though it isn’t making us happy inside. When ‘we’ are out of alignment, our business will reflect that. If that is you have a look at the dates we have booked in for this year.  Because this may just be what you are looking for, a boost, an injection of wonder into you and what you do… If you have any questions please do ask me, just DM and I will get back to you.

What makes these day classes so special and different?
They are days to get you into the present time.  To let go of the reasons and excuses that we carry with us.  That blur our vision of who we are today.

What do you want to create?
It is how I start always.  What would make this day a day where you get what you need?  This is daily question and this is why we start off here.  To look at our day and what our the intentions for the day.  It hilights where everyone is at and where I need to focus for everyone.  There will be themes, but everyone gets heard and we also learn by watching where others get caught in life.

What is the format?
10.00              Hello Who are you? A quick get together
10:15 – 11:15   Let’s talk about you and what you want to create – around the table with group input and focus!
11:15 11:30      Coffee/Tea – Go talkabout.
12:00- 13:00  Let’s get the plan out…
13:00 14:00   Let’s eat – We can arrange for food to be delivered via the cafe
14:00 15:30   90 Day Brilliant Plan. We will be breaking it down and creating a plan where you get to feel it, breathe it in and see it.
15:30 16:30   Last but not least… we check in to see what else there is and to ensure you leave feeling magical and masterful of what you about to create.

Some have described these as days like going into your own trust board – but the difference is that they are ALL about you and how to get what you want…

If you would like to book a class or organise one of these for your group, I often go visiting all over the country.

My philosophy is always you don’t get if your don’t ask!


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