Simplify you Life - It will Make it Stronger - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Simplify you Life – It will Make it Stronger

March 6, 2012

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Comments: 3 Comments

Hello my lovely readers!

I am all ‘fluffed’ up and ready to go for March and as I mentioned before my theme is Simplifying Life to Make it Stronger…

Simple but FUN!

So if you are ready the first will be here tomorrow but if you want to add me to your RSS feeder… oooerrr… that is something new?  If you like blogs and want to enjoy them like a magazine this is a great way to do it.  Just click on the RSS feeder on my site and it will take you to a page and ask you where you would like to ‘read’ them.  I use Google Reader, but there are others… that way you can search around the net, make notes and they get fed automatically in there.  So when you are ready, all you need do it click on the reader and hey presto – its all there.  Simple.  I so love simple.

So, here are my blogs for the month:

  1. March Hare – are you racing around?
  2. Snails Pace – Slow is sooooo good!
  3. Simple = magnificence
  4. 5 things to do each day to simplify your life…
  5. What if you only had a week to live – would you still keep your ‘To Do’ list?
  6. Commit to challenging yourself daily – do I need to do this?
  7. If you want more – you need less.
  8. Five things that set you apart from everyone else
  9. How many sunsets have you seen this year?
  10. Never give up searching for you!

The first person to comment here gets to choose which one you would like to read first.  Lets play!

3 thoughts on “Simplify you Life – It will Make it Stronger”

  1. Love your writing… follow your blog avidly… so very much looking forward to reading all these ace-sounding upcoming posts! Hopefully we’re the first to comment and so can say the order sounds pretty spot-on as is. We’ve been haring round in many ways, and going at a snail’s pace in many others, so are looking forward to pearls of wisdom and in the first two posts as the priority if you please!

    Ciao ciao,

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