Anne-Marie - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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The Title – ‘Shift the Shit’ – caught my attention because I’ve felt for a long time that I have lots if ‘shit’ crammed both into my head and my life, and I’ve wanted to deal with it and stop gathering so much!

So I decided to take a leap of faith & see if this program could help. I block myself all the time from doing fun stuff and taking action that could help my business progress and help me to lose weight and so much more. What I got from Kerry’s program was wonderful.

Part of her process is decluttering but it’s not just tidying up. Taking what may seem like baby steps but in reality, caused my world to shudder a little – in a really good way. I didn’t just get to declutter – I got to understand several of the deep & hidden reasons why I gather clutter in the first place and find it so difficult to get rid of it.

Which is life changing. Because now I can never go back. Which is brilliant!

Through Kerry’s wisdom and insight, I had a lightbulb moment in identifying a huge habit I have that contributes to me stopping myself that I had never seen before. What I love is that bringing awareness to this now allows me to deal with it.

Thank you, Kerry, for your help and guidance. You’re amazing xx


After only a couple of sessions, life is more refreshing and business is good.  It is like having...


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Kerry brought a natural ability for coaching and a very harmonious coaching style. She has a great sense of...


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I felt it physically and it was very liberating: the days that followed were full of energy and...


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This may not sound like much but it was obviously what I needed because I am happier, stronger...


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