Confidential - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


“Like any working mother trying to juggle all the ‘must do’s’ was rather getting in the way of all the ‘would like to do’s’.  I sort of knew where I wanted to get to in a couple of areas (reducing my list of  chores and increasing my career options to name just two) but I couldn’t quite see how to move from where I was towards where I wanted to be.”

It was the smack in the face I needed to bring me back into a state of...


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Kerry’s ruthlessness has allowed me to look at my life differently once again! Personally I find her...

Group Coaching

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Positive, charismatic, realistic... a speaker they enjoyed listening to and someone who does not take herself too...

Speaking Engagement

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Kerry is brilliant at getting you back on track and looking at what is important to you. She has an...


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