Emily - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


I am loving the REBOOT Academy!

I feel inspired and energised with a renewed sense of focus, clarity and even the beginnings of believing that I am capable of achieving things in my life again. I don’t want the course to end!

Thank you for everything so far and for everyone for their openness, insightful comments, posts and questions.

Emily – Half Way through the ten week REBOOT!


I am less stressed about the state of my oven and more excited about doing the things...


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Have you ever had a day where you felt like you were walking on air... if you want...


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Sound good judgement and common sense.  Makes you visit the parts of you that usually you cannot reach.


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I can thank YOU for helping me making my life the way it is now.  Helping me realize...


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