Jane - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


When we first spoke I was in the middle of a course about developing my existing business into a social enterprise. The whole process became very scary and often overwhelming. I had to deal with my own thoughts and feelings before I could progress. The two hour motivational (Shift the Shit)  call got rather emotional then something shifted within me.  I realized that I was gifted and could make a difference if I stopped living in and blaming my past and stopped making compromises . I took back control of my life and started making some positive changes.

Despite all of my emails with cries for help and meltdowns Kerry’s no nonsense, straight to the point replies got me to re focus and to start thinking for myself again.

I stopped relying on others so much to “Help” me , I took responsibility and started to take action. I started to use the phone more often and have almost overcome my fear of using it. I have confidently walked into venues and spoken directly to the managers about my ideas or plans without feeling embarrassed or overwhelmed.

I have also taken quite a lot of time to reflect. I have seen how my own personal artwork / creations have also started to develop and change. I realised how important it is for me to do what I am passionate about, what feels right and enjoyable for me – for myself , for my health, my overall well being and my soul.

I had not really noticed until recently just how much NOT being creative or forcing a creative idea or trying to create the perfect piece of ART to sell was actually creating a huge pressure on me and quite drastically affecting my own mental health. This quote I saw recently really sums it up for me…

“ It is NOT an artist’s job to please anyone, but to bravely do the work that they are most compelled to do. It’s the public’s job to bravely seek out and appreciate the work that resonates with them”
I am finally starting to find my authentic self!

Thank you again Kerry


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