Katy - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


I first tentatively contacted Kerry about 7 years ago I think it was, but didn’t go any further because I was scared! Scared of being made to look at a few things and personal traits, and also feeling I didn’t have the time/energy to deal with it all.

I have been working with Kerry now for quite a few months and am determined to make the shifts that are happening permanent. Working with Kerry is like the brutal honesty of your daughter peering through a magnifying glass at the sprouting hairs on your chin whilst giving you a ginormous hug full of love. Can’t wait.


After only a couple of sessions, life is more refreshing and business is good.  It is like having...


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Kerry brought a natural ability for coaching and a very harmonious coaching style. She has a great sense of...


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I felt it physically and it was very liberating: the days that followed were full of energy and...


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This may not sound like much but it was obviously what I needed because I am happier, stronger...


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