Kerrie - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


So. I had a session with Kerry today and hands up, I’ll admit to not being really sure about the point of life coaching before we spoke. Sorry bout that.

But. Oh. My. God.

This woman is magic. Seriously. She asked questions that nobody else would. She called me on my bullshit. She politely suggested I occasionally stop talking long enough to listen. (No idea what she meant by that…..)

She probed, she listened, she gave me so much to think about. She gave me hope. She made me see how it could be and what my responsibility was in my life.

Seriously. Kerry – you’re now on my manifest the money for list. I need you in my life. Thank you for showing me what life coaching is. I’m excited for the future now.

Mwah xxxx
Kerrie Rycroft


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