Kim - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


Course – 6-month Package

What prompted me?

I had read Jack Canfield over the Summer (2016), throughout that book he recommends getting a coach so I started to research it, very lightly I might add. I had ideas of some online group which I was noseying around the web for and Kerry had commented on one of the forums with her website. Checked the website, and got in touch.

Challenges I was experiencing

I was currently on maternity leave no.2, having experienced the dread and torture that it was returning to work after maternity leave no.1 I was desperately trying to change my outlook and make something, anything, better than it currently was and going to be. I was going back to a full time job, work wouldn’t reduce my days, my day started at 4.30 with no chance of seeing my kids in the mornings and I left so early so I could try to get hone to see them for a short time in the evening. Life was shit but I was putting up with it and what’s worse no intention of changing it until I spoke to Kerry. I was miserable but tied to the job for the money, thinking I would never earn the same elsewhere. Nine years in the same job and there were no prospects in staying there other than financial reason to stay.


Well blow me down with a feather…..after one call with Kerry, yes it was two hours, but just one call had completely taken me out of my comfort zone and made me realise that my life was pretty shit because of staying in this job, I called my boss and asked them to pay me off, something I wouldn’t have even dreamed, well nightmared over. A long ole wait later and they agreed. I went for 6 months to be nice but also tie everything up but over the course of that 6 months, I continued working with Kerry. Coaching with Kerry is a phenomenal experience, one in which I will never forget, when going through coaching with Kerry, I didn’t feel as though as much was happening but jesus wept once you take time to reflect throughout, massive changes have taken place without your even realising it at the time. The ongoing support is essential and I would recommend Kerry a million times over.

Concrete results

I see my children
Change in attitude and outlook
Leaving the corporate world
Complete change in career – one in which I love

Kim Storm McQueen

It was the smack in the face I needed to bring me back into a state of...


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Kerry’s ruthlessness has allowed me to look at my life differently once again! Personally I find her...

Group Coaching

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Positive, charismatic, realistic... a speaker they enjoyed listening to and someone who does not take herself too...

Speaking Engagement

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Kerry is brilliant at getting you back on track and looking at what is important to you. She has an...


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