Sarah P - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me

Sarah P

If you are looking for someone to be in your corner no matter what, Kerry is the coach for you.

I say corner, but actually I should say in your cosmos because her reach is deep. If you have committed to change, Kerry will match you positive charge for positive charge. Bring yourself and she will feed you the good stuff she has learned on her own path.

18 months ago I was 4 stones overweight, facing redundancy from a job I was bored of and struggling with low mood. The moods still come and go but the fat is gone and I’m on a path I believe in again.

Kerry has been in my cosmos throughout.

Bring her into yours.


I am less stressed about the state of my oven and more excited about doing the things...


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Have you ever had a day where you felt like you were walking on air... if you want...


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Sound good judgement and common sense.  Makes you visit the parts of you that usually you cannot reach.


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I can thank YOU for helping me making my life the way it is now.  Helping me realize...


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