Sharon - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


Before starting The REBOOT Academy, I was feeling stuck in my life and thought patterns.  I was hopeful that it would help, but had my reservations as I had tried a lot of things over the previous 15 years or so without much success, from counselling to numerous self-help books to hypnotherapy.

After the first session I made a list of areas I wanted to focus on, and looking back at them now I am amazed to see that I have addressed or made steps towards addressing all of them already.  I have certainly felt different since starting the programme, and now I realise why…the changes have been incremental so I haven’t been consciously aware of all of them.  They are part of my ‘new normal’.

I’m discovering new things about myself as well as rediscovering some long forgotten things, and I don’t feel the same despondency and distress as I did before starting the programme. Instead I am feeling a sense of inner peace and I’m becoming more focused on creating the life and future that I want.  I now realise that I am my own expert, but the insight and support from both Kerry and other group members is proving invaluable.  Things are sinking in in a way that they haven’t before and I’m so so grateful that I found the course and to Kerry putting it together.

Thank you.


It was the smack in the face I needed to bring me back into a state of...


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Kerry’s ruthlessness has allowed me to look at my life differently once again! Personally I find her...

Group Coaching

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Positive, charismatic, realistic... a speaker they enjoyed listening to and someone who does not take herself too...

Speaking Engagement

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Kerry is brilliant at getting you back on track and looking at what is important to you. She has an...


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