Trainers and Two Cans of Baked Beans! - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Trainers and Two Cans of Baked Beans!

June 13, 2012

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My New Challenge!
This is the first of many posts over the coming weeks that I am sharing with you about my taking on a new workout challenge.  I want and need to get really fit to start my workshops! as I want to give you my all out there!  It’s a tough workout (I wonder if I will describe it as such in five weeks time), but it has a great schedule and I know I love those!

So I shall share with you along the way what I am living and learning about me and my body.  So far… ‘Oh my… I ache!’ which is weirdly rewarding.  For if I am aching, my muscles are clearly working differently!  There must be a reason!

For those of you who would like to come along with me – please do – just post here and I will share with you my schedule.

It is simple and yet, so far, very effective.  Nothing outlandish.

If you can move you can do this!

All you need are trainers and a couple of cans of baked beans!  Oh and willpower and a coach…  (the last bit is me, on here!)

Come on – let’s do it together!

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